Thomas Gardner, DMD, MSD

Dr. Thomas Gardner is an orthodontist in Orange Park who cherishes the privilege to provide high-quality results at an affordable cost for patients of all ages to help them achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts a lifetime.

Education & Experience

Dr. Gardner graduated summa cum laude from Arizona State University in 2010. He received his Doctor of Dental Medicine from the prestigious Ivy League University of Pennsylvania in historic Philadelphia. Upon graduation, Dr. Gardner spent three years as a dentist in the U.S. Air Force with assignments in Arizona, Alabama and Texas.

After serving his country, Dr. Gardner studied orthodontics at Jacksonville University, where he received a Master of Science in dentistry and a certificate in orthodontics. He also has completed a clear aligner fellowship.

Professional Memberships

Dr. Gardner attends many hours of continuing education each year to make certain he is providing the latest and best care for his patients. He is an active member of:

  • American Association of Orthodontics
  • American Dental Association®
  • Florida Dental Association

Outside of the Office

Dr. Gardner met his wife while at school in Philadelphia. Together, they have four children: three girls and one boy. When he is not spending time with his wonderful family, Dr. Gardner enjoys surfing, hiking, camping, mountain biking, working with wood and leather, and exercising.

Did We Mention?

We Offer Free Consultations!

Looking to straighten your teeth but not sure which treatment is right for you? Come see our orthodontist and team in Orange Park, Florida, for a free consultation. During your visit, we will gently examine your smile and discuss your goals to create a treatment plan tailored just to you.

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